Tuesday, October 7, 2008

not a post...

for anyone who watches the blog still you might have noticed a serious lack of anything new on this blog...

at the moment there aren't any real plans to start it up again in the near future, but I will keep it open until my life is sorted out a bit more.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I knew something fishy was about Disney

in recent years Disney has delivered to the main stream media some truly disturbingly successful things... for example 'Hannah Montana', and 'High School Musical'. These things cost parents hundreds of dollars for the live shows that they feel the must take their children to see these produced things.

This video explains how Disney is able to have so many successes.


Monday, September 15, 2008

cats are awesome...

I havn't found much that has been blog worthy recently... so it's been kind of dead around here,

This cat though is awesome... it's like something out of a horror movie... and I'm not talking the 'wait for it... wait for it... wait for i-BOO!!!' style of horror... I'm talking the 'you know this is coming and your in shit' kind of horror flick which is clearly the more valid of the two styles.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Post-It notes are fuuuuun

life has been slow in the interest dept for me recently so I was very happy to find this.

Brought to us by the creators of the Diet Coke and Mentos videos. This time they have taken on the world of office supplies and created something amazing from over a quarter of a million Post-It notes... I always have to enjoy something that is so excellent and at the same time so deliciously simple.


Monday, September 8, 2008

Life is like clockwork sometimes

and sometimes it's not... but when it is this is how I feel.


I really thought that it was a neat animation, with a lot of excellent little accommodations for the nature of their little clockwork lives.

and some excitement in the world of TV DVDs... Pushing Daisies is finally going to be purchasable on September 16th. With the few episodes that I saw were so original and imaginative... it's no wonder that it got canceled, because lord knows that any show worth its salt is destined to get canned within it's first season: Firefly, Clone High, Clerks, and do a certain extent Carnivale and Dead Like Me (both of which had a second season but still were canceled before their time)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Congrats to Kawaii Not

props to Kawaii Not which just hit comic number 200, the demented cute humor never fails to bring a smile to my face... my horrible horrible face.


Friday, September 5, 2008

The Star Trek Love Boat: new this fall on Fox

no... I'm kidding... but someone did have the sense to clip together the theme from 'The Love Boat' and the opening of 'Star Trek Next Gen.' together: found here.

I think I've watched that earth destruction video from yesterday's post about 7 times, I find the initial impact hypnotizing where the surface of the earth is peeling away into space.

There appears to be a new blogish thing from ZeFrank, I'm simply excited to see any new videos from the web guru.

Here it is: The Explicit


Thursday, September 4, 2008

It's a Tenuous thing... this living...

I feel that this is pretty self explanatory... hang on until the end of the video the killer bit of info is within the last 10 seconds of it.

that's all for now...

returning to the big city for a few days, I'll continue to post as I can...

Talk at you later


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Forensics that I can get into...

Those who know me may have heard me say at some point that 'I don't watch CSI' well to be honest this holds true for most of the Crime Drama / Forensics shows that are on the air now or that ever have been. I find most of the stories formulaic to the point that you could set a clock to when they find the break in the case. I will however admit to having enjoyed a the odd episode (and by odd I mean episodes that are odd like the Noah's Arc ep of CSI)

Now... whenever I see the name 'Bill Murray' come up I instantly investigate, and anything which is able to parody the Forensic style show (quite successfully might I add) and include Bill Murray is a winner in my book...



Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My mother's new computer...

So those who know me also know that I am a long time advocate of the PC computer where I am able to fine tune anything I want, however today my mother purchased a new MacBook, and I gotta say... I'm a little jealous, helping her to set it up was a dream... it did all the work... there's no more fun of frustration and yelling... wait something about that sounds wrong...

for the last 3 years I have been working very successfully on a 17" widescreen Gateway laptop. This beast has been a very solid machine, however heavy and I would like one that I can transport a little easier than what I have now, and keep this still viable machine to design, and game on.

And with Vista kinda just being bothersome in terms of look, and the bugs that are STILL getting worked out... I really look at the Apple MacBook, and say... well... yeah that makes sense. Also, having one of each style of computer has it's advantages at this point, it is so simple to transfer between the two formats that it really no longer matters which one you have.

in any event... this is a long time hold out thinking about... submitting sleightly to popular opinion, and considering giving in. (those I went to post secondary school with through 2nd-4th year may now proceed to make fun of me)


Monday, September 1, 2008

Jacob Bronowski: What is Science?

This video of Jacob Bronowski is possibly... one of the most elegant descriptions of what science and the pursuit of knowledge is really about. Including the admittance that with one argument a theory can be proven incorrect, and if we don't know the answer to something, that things are going to be alright. And that to have absolute truth, and faith in something is possibly more dangerous than any scientific research.

Why is it so hard to say 'I don't know' because when you really get down to it, that's what this is about... and if you 'know' then where's the fun in life?... there's nothing to learn anymore.


Dali in interview, and other excellence

I really wish that we could see more Saturday morning cartoons that were this messed up... it would force children to actually stop and question what they see instead of simply having the television pander half hour long advertisements.

Speaking of questioning the status-quo: Timmy's Wish, was sent to me by a buddy, and I felt that it was brilliant at messing with accepted ideas

Also - I have started doing sketches for the Tarot deck, if anyone wants to contribute art or something of the nature, I'm not gonna say no. If you have a favorite card do a drawing. I started with the Juggler, and have been able to keep much of the context of the card as well as have some more interesting art ideas, I will post the sketch when I am able to scan it.

that's all that I found to be inspiring today


Saturday, August 30, 2008

Carnivàle and the Tarot Card project

My family and I are enjoying a DVD collection of an HBO series called "Carnivàle" and I must say that I am thoroughly enjoying the show, it has an excellent magical and dark quality that I think is something that has been an unfilled niche for a very long time.

Unfortunately that niche appears to be unsustainable as the show only lasted 2 seasons, of which I will be purchasing both when I return to my apartment in the big city.

The opening credits of
Carnivàle are quite incredible on their own. Images of the a Tarot card deck are interspersed with images from the Dustbowl which is when the show is set. Finding these credits inspiring... I found myself saying:

"I should design a Tarot deck"

so since that what this blog is about... I would love to hear about suggestions for designs for your favorite card(s), or the meanings behind cards that might be hither to known to the parts of my brain.


Friday, August 29, 2008

the Mona Lisa in a fraction of a second

never quite seen anything like this... and of course leave it up to the Mythbusters guys to do it...


the slow motion action at the end of the video is probably the best part...


Thursday, August 28, 2008

New York street/balloon art

ok this is really cool


These creature are created by Joshua Allen Harris... kudos to him for creating such an interesting set of creatures.

it kinda makes me think about how the world might seem through a different set of eyes, or perhaps how a creature from another dimension might interpreted...


Guitar Praise: Solid Rock

ok... this is taking things to a level which I find disturbing, however predictable. It is a Christian based Guitar Hero styled game...

Being an Atheist, I feel that Christian Rock as a genre is simply a way for right wing business people to cash in on the millions of youth that are blinded by the indoctrination of the church, and feed those who are already wealthy to a point of being 'bursting at the seams' wealthy.

Also being a fan of the Guitar Hero games, I feel this is a shameless rip off of a successful business venture that could never have been thought of by the right wing religious fat cats who run the industry of Christian Rock.

and to add to the masses of people who have been trying to think up a better name for the bloody thing:

Guitar Praise: Sunday School of Rock

Fortunately, Christian based games have a notorious reputation for tanking, due to their extremely low quality all around.

UPDATE: I just found out that Stairway to Heaven WILL NOT be on the song list.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I'm a bit of an artist...

I claim to be an illustrator sometimes...

This is something I did for myself as a tattoo, but never decided to go through with it.

I'll post drawings occasionally... and if you can't guess... I love gears... and general steampunk design ethic...


I'm also addicted to WoW...

ok... so I have two vices... the Brain Crack, and World of Warcraft. But recently I've been finding that the game no longer offers the same draw that it used to. Within the game I find that the misery between the players working toward the same goal of finishing quests, or achieving certain levels of gear and weapons depressing. There is no way to win... socially or even within the game itself.

Perhaps it's time to find a more productive way to spend my time. I have enjoyed this hobby, but it probably has come to a natural place now.

Perhaps I'll learn to knit...

... perhaps not


(for anyone interested here is my main character) Ewanni

Brain Crack Addicts Anonymous

I have found that in my life... the more time I have available to me, the less I do... and the less time I have available to me the harder I work on all the commitments I make.

Currently living at my parents house, I find that my mind is filled with ideas which I want to execute, most of them stories, or other projects, but for some reason I find reasons not to do them. I should perhaps explain where 'Brain Crack' comes from... and that is the 'web guru' ZeFrank, who hosted 'the show' for a year and to which I found most amusing and will still return to, to watch random episodes simply for the zany and excellent look at the world around him.

ZeFrank stated that Brain Crack is the ideas that we have and think are amazing, and want to share, but never become realized because it's perfect in our head... and I'm an addict...

So here I am deciding to open a forum... to start me on the road to recovery from this life long addiction, and perhaps at the same time inspire others to do the same...

so - my hat off to ZeFrank, who inspired this venture.

and as soon as I figure out the jiggery pokery of certain things I'll start throwing up links to things that I find fun or interesting
